Jak to zmienić

Założony przez  Lemo.

Witam chciałbym dodać taką samą ramkę jak jest na banerze od cod moda 501 ale w tym zaznaczonym miejscu na czerwono.
myCreedo napisał 04.06.2018, 14:59:
Nazwa tematu powinna być krótkim opisem problemu, popraw ją i zapoznaj się z
do klasy tborder dodaj
border1px solid #07c563; 
(04.06.2018, 07:47)Patryk Stefański napisał(a): do klasy tborder dodaj
border1px solid #07c563; 
Gdzie znajduje się tborder?
(04.06.2018, 13:06)Lemo napisał(a):
(04.06.2018, 07:47)Patryk Stefański napisał(a): do klasy tborder dodaj
border1px solid #07c563; 
Gdzie znajduje się tborder?
zbadaj element to sie dowiesz
w global.css

daj to

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/** Hide jGrowl when printing **/
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/** jGrowl End **/

/** Modal Start **/

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/** Modal End **/

/** Impromptu Start **/

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* http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu
* Copyright (c) 2015 Trent Richardson; Licensed MIT */

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/** Impromptu End */

/** Message **/
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(04.06.2018, 13:37)DaFi napisał(a):
(04.06.2018, 13:06)Lemo napisał(a):
(04.06.2018, 07:47)Patryk Stefański napisał(a): do klasy tborder dodaj
border1px solid #07c563; 
Gdzie znajduje się tborder?
zbadaj element to sie dowiesz
w global.css

daj to

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margin-top: -4px;

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margin-right: 3px;

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width: 13px;
height: 13px;
padding-left: 13px; /* amount of padding needed for image to fully show */
margin-top: -3px;
border: none;

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background: url(../../../images/MyStrikeBoard2/pollbar.png) top left repeat-x;
border: 1px solid #3f3f3f;
height: 10px;

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white-space: nowrap;

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/** Modal End **/

/** Impromptu Start **/

/*! jQuery-Impromptu - v6.2.1 - 2015-05-10
* http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu
* Copyright (c) 2015 Trent Richardson; Licensed MIT */

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oooo teraz to elegancko ale został jeszcze shoutbox i to na samym dole z legendą rang i na samej górze te coś z nazwą forum

Domena CS-420.PL

#shoutbox {width: 100%;margin: auto auto;background: #0008;border-radius: 6px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid #07c563;}
#shoutbox .head { padding: 8px; }
#shoutbox .head  { cursor: pointer; color:  #eee;padding: 21px;font-size: 15px;font-family: 'Encode Sans Expanded', sans-serif;text-transform:  unset;border-radius:  0;position:  relative;overflow: visible;}
#shoutbox .head:before {    content: "";    height:  2px;    width: 96%;    background: #222;    bottom: 0;    display:  block;    position:  absolute;    left: 2%;}
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#shoutbox .entry:target { background-color: rgba(50,200,255,0.1); }
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#shoutbox .entry:last-child > div { border-bottom: none; }

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@-moz-document url-prefix() {#shoutbox .avatar img {margin: 1px auto -20px;}}
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#shoutbox .text { width: 100%; color: #b9b9b9; }
#shoutbox .info { font-size: 11px; color: #AAA; white-space: nowrap; text-align: right; }
#shoutbox .entry.unread .info:before { display: inline-block; position: relative; top: -2px; margin-right: 10px; height: 4px; width: 4px; content: ''; background: rgba(255,100,0,0.8); border-radius: 10px; }
#shoutbox .info a { color: inherit; }
#shoutbox .mod { padding: 6px 8px; font-size: 9px; font-weight: bold; color: #AAA; text-decoration: none; }
#shoutbox .mod:nth-of-type(2) { margin-right: 5px; border-left: solid 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); }
#shoutbox  .ip { margin-right: 10px; color: #CECECE; }
My StrikeBoard.css czy jakos tak

/****** Kontakt: GG-20591133 *****/
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Encode+Sans+Expanded:400,600|Open+Sans&subset=latin-ext);
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/********************************************** start: HEADER **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: MAIN **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

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/********************************************** end: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

/********************************************** start: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FOOTER **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: OTHERS **********************************************/

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(04.06.2018, 15:12)DaFi napisał(a): KOD CZAT

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My StrikeBoard.css czy jakos tak

/****** Kontakt: GG-20591133 *****/
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/********************************************** start: MAIN **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: MAIN **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

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/********************************************** end: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

/********************************************** start: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FOOTER **********************************************/
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/********************************************** start: OTHERS **********************************************/
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Nie działa
(04.06.2018, 15:22)Lemo napisał(a):
(04.06.2018, 15:12)DaFi napisał(a): KOD CZAT

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My StrikeBoard.css czy jakos tak

/****** Kontakt: GG-20591133 *****/
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/********************************************** start: MAIN **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: MAIN **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

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/********************************************** end: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

/********************************************** start: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
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Nie działa
skasuj historie przegladarki
(04.06.2018, 15:23)DaFi napisał(a):
(04.06.2018, 15:22)Lemo napisał(a):
(04.06.2018, 15:12)DaFi napisał(a): KOD CZAT

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My StrikeBoard.css czy jakos tak

/****** Kontakt: GG-20591133 *****/
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/********************************************** start: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

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/********************************************** end: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

/********************************************** start: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FOOTER **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: OTHERS **********************************************/

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Nie działa
skasuj historie przegladarki
Dalej to samo
Cytat:Dalej to samo

Wejdź na swoje forum i wciśnij jednocześnie: CTRL i F5
(04.06.2018, 19:06)Winchester napisał(a):
Cytat:Dalej to samo

Wejdź na swoje forum i wciśnij jednocześnie: CTRL i F5

Działa ale ogólnie jeszcze na tym kwadraciku gdzie nazwa forum też żeby było
do "nav" w mystrikeboard.css dodaj border: 1px solid #07c563;
o tak?    
nie, nie tak..

border: 1px solid #07c563;

/****** Kontakt: GG-20591133 *****/
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/********************************************** end: HEADER **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: MAIN **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: MAIN **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

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/********************************************** end: TABLA SERWERÓW **********************************************/

/********************************************** start: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: USER PROFILE **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: FORUMBOARD **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: FOOTER **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: FOOTER **********************************************/
/********************************************** start: OTHERS **********************************************/
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/********************************************** end: OTHERS **********************************************/

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