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Wersja MyBB: 1.8
Witam, proszę o przetłumaczenie pluginu: Mybblog chyba że już jest to proszę o link.Pozdrawiam
Witam, proszę o przetłumaczenie pluginu: Mybblog chyba że już jest to proszę o link.Pozdrawiam
$l['mybblog'] = "Blog";
$l['mybblog_deactivated'] = "MyBBlog isn't activated";
$l['mybblog_write'] = "Write a new article";
$l['edit'] = "Edit";
$l['mybblog_articles_none'] = "No articles were found";
$l['mybblog_posted'] = "Posted {1} by {2}";
$l['mybblog_comments'] = "{1} Comments";
$l['mybblog_tags'] = "Tagged with {1}";
$l['mybblog_new_article'] = "Write new article";
$l['mybblog_edit_article'] = "Edit article";
$l['mybblog_title'] = "Title";
$l['mybblog_article_tags'] = "Tags";
$l['mybblog_tags_desc'] = "Seperated by comma";
$l['mybblog_article'] = "Article";
$l['mybblog_article_submit'] = "Save article";
$l['mybblog_article_written'] = "The article has been saved!";
$l['mybblog_article_comments'] = "Comments";
$l['mybblog_new_comment'] = "Write a new comment";
$l['mybblog_edit_comment'] = "Edit comment";
$l['mybblog_comment_submit'] = "Save comment";
$l['mybblog_comment_saved'] = "The comment has been saved!";
$l['mybblog_article_delete'] = "Delete article \"{1}\" and all associated data?";
$l['mybblog_comment_delete'] = "Delete comment on article \"{1}\"?";
$l['mybblog_delete_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected data?";
$l['mybblog_deleted'] = "Deleted selected data";
$l['mybblog_article_no_title'] = "You haven't entered a valid title";
$l['mybblog_article_no_content'] = "You haven't entered an article";
$l['mybblog_article_no_tags'] = "You need at least one tag";
$l['mybblog_article_unknown'] = "There was an unknown error while saving your article";
$l['mybblog_invalid_article'] = "The article you specified doesn't exist";
$l['mybblog_invalid_comment'] = "The comment you specified doesn't exist";
$l['mybblog_comment_no_content'] = "You haven't entered any comment";
$l['mybblog_tag_no_tag'] = "There's an empty tag";
$l['myalerts_setting_JB_mybblog_new_comment'] = "Receive alert for new comments on your blog posts?";
$l['myalerts_format_mybblog_new_comment'] = "{1} commented on your blogpost <a href=\"{3}\">{4}</a> ({2})";
$l['mybblog_index'] = "Viewing <a href=\"mybblog.php\">the blog</a>";
$l['mybblog_writing'] = "Writing a new article";
$l['mybblog_view'] = "Reading article <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
$l['mybblog_tag'] = "Viewing articles tagged with <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
$l['mybblog_comment'] = "Commenting on article <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
$l['mybblog_edit'] = "Editing article <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
$l['mybblog_delete'] = "Deleting an article";
$l['mybblog_delete_comment'] = "Deleting a comment";
$l['mybblog_edit_comment'] = "Editing a comment";