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Dodanie akcji lastpost do LastActive w Topstats

Konfiguracja  Założony przez  Poftorek.

wersja skryptu MyBB: 1.8.6
adres forum:
na czym polega problem (screen, opis, komunikaty, nazwa i wersja wtyczki): W Ostatnio aktywnych postach chcę dodać &action=lastpost żeby po klik w link przeniosło nie do tematu ale ostatniego posta.
Statystyki Top (1.0.4)
Dodaje statystyki TOPw panelu bocznymIlość wyświetlanych tematów/użytkowników ustalamy w panelu.
Autor baszaR LukasAMD Supryk 
Cytat:w pół dnia stałeś się lepszym pytonistą niż kawenanowo kiedykolwiek programisto :3 ~ Riess 13.11.2018 16:28
Cytat:ale z tą nazwą to fyeem ma racje  ~ Divir 29.07.2019 16:08
 * This file is part of Top Stats plugin for MyBB.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 baszaR & LukasAMD & Supryk
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 * Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
if (!defined("IN_MYBB")) exit;

    private static 
$tpl = array();
    private static function 
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_LastThreads',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_LastThreads}</strong></td></tr>
            </table><br />
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_LastThreadsRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <a href="{$tpl[\'subjectlink\']}">{$tpl[\'subject\']}</a><br />
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'date\']}</span>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_LastThreadsAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_LastActiveThreads',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_LastActiveThreads}</strong></td></tr>
            </table><br />
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_LastActiveThreadsRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <a href="{$tpl[\'subjectlink\']}?action=lastpost">{$tpl[\'subject\']}</a><br />
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'date\']}</span>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_LastActiveThreadsAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_MostViews',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_MostViews}</strong></td>
            </tr>{$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_MostViewsRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <a href="{$tpl[\'subjectlink\']}">{$tpl[\'subject\']}</a>
            <span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'views\']}</span><br />
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'date\']}</span>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_MostViewsAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_Posters',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topPosters}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_PostersRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'postnum\']}</span>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_PostersAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_Reputation',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topReputation}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />     
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_ReputationRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'reputation\']}</span>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_ReputationAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_Referrals',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topReferrals}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />     
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_ReferralsRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'referrals\']}</span>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_ReferralsAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_TimeOnline',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topOnline}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />              
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_TimeOnlineRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <td class="trow1">
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<br />{$lang->topStats_topOnlineTime}: {$tpl[\'time\']}  
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_TimeOnlineAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_NewestUsers',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_NewestUsers}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br /> 
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_NewestUsersRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<br />{$lang->topStats_NewestUsersJoin}: {$tpl[\'date\']}
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_NewestUsersAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_Moderators',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topModerators}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />     
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_ModeratorsRow',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'actions\']}</span>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
"tid" => NULL,
"title" => 'topStats_ModeratorsAvatar',
"template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
"sid" => "-1",
"version" => "1.0",
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,

    public static function 
        for (
$i 0$i sizeof(self::$tpl); $i++)
    public static function 

        for (
$i 0$i sizeof(self::$tpl); $i++)
$db->delete_query('templates'"title = '" self::$tpl[$i]['title'] . "'");

Kodowanie, edycja i tworzenie styli, for, stron, poszczególnych elementów - polecane szczególnie dla osób, które nie potrafią sobie poradzić z problemami.
(09.03.2016, 16:39)Divir napisał(a): topStats.tpl.php:
 * This file is part of Top Stats plugin for MyBB.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 baszaR & LukasAMD & Supryk
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 * Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
if (!defined("IN_MYBB")) exit;

   private static $tpl = array();
   private static function getTpl()
::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_LastThreads',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_LastThreads}</strong></td></tr>
            </table><br />
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_LastThreadsRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <a href="{$tpl[\'subjectlink\']}">{$tpl[\'subject\']}</a><br />
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'date\']}</span>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_LastThreadsAvatar',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_LastActiveThreads',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_LastActiveThreads}</strong></td></tr>
            </table><br />
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_LastActiveThreadsRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <a href="{$tpl[\'subjectlink\']}?action=lastpost">{$tpl[\'subject\']}</a><br />
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'date\']}</span>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_LastActiveThreadsAvatar',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_MostViews',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_MostViews}</strong></td>
            </tr>{$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_MostViewsRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <a href="{$tpl[\'subjectlink\']}">{$tpl[\'subject\']}</a>
            <span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'views\']}</span><br />
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<span style="float: right;widthmargin-right: 5px;">{$tpl[\'date\']}</span>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_MostViewsAvatar',
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           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_Posters',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topPosters}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
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       self::$tpl[] = array(
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           "title" => 'topStats_PostersRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'postnum\']}</span>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
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           "title" => 'topStats_PostersAvatar',
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           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
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       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_ReputationRow',
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            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'reputation\']}</span>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_ReputationAvatar',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_Referrals',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topReferrals}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />     
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_ReferralsRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'referrals\']}</span>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_ReferralsAvatar',
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           "sid" => "-1",
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           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
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           "title" => 'topStats_TimeOnlineRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <td class="trow1">
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<br />{$lang->topStats_topOnlineTime}: {$tpl[\'time\']}  
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
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           "title" => 'topStats_TimeOnlineAvatar',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_NewestUsers',
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            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_NewestUsers}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br /> 
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_NewestUsersRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            {$tpl[\'profilelink\']}<br />{$lang->topStats_NewestUsersJoin}: {$tpl[\'date\']}
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_NewestUsersAvatar',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_Moderators',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
            <tr><td class="thead" colspan="1"><strong>{$lang->topStats_topModerators}</strong></td></tr>
            {$tpl[\'row\']}</table><br />     
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
       self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_ModeratorsRow',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <tr><td class="trow1">
            <span style="margin-top: 7px;float: left;">{$tpl[\'profilelink\']}</span>
            <span style="float: right;margin-right: 5px;margin-top: 7px;">{$tpl[\'actions\']}</span>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
self::$tpl[] = array(
           "tid" => NULL,
           "title" => 'topStats_ModeratorsAvatar',
           "template" => $db->escape_string('
            <img src="{$useravatar[\'image\']}" alt="" style="float: left;margin-right: 5px;" {$useravatar[\'width_height\']}/>
           "sid" => "-1",
           "version" => "1.0",
           "dateline" => TIME_NOW,

static function activate()
       global $db;
($i 0$i sizeof(self::$tpl); $i++)
   public static function deactivate()
       global $db;

       for ($i 0$i sizeof(self::$tpl); $i++)
           $db->delete_query('templates'"title = '" self::$tpl[$i]['title'] . "'");

Nie działa..
Cytat:w pół dnia stałeś się lepszym pytonistą niż kawenanowo kiedykolwiek programisto :3 ~ Riess 13.11.2018 16:28
Cytat:ale z tą nazwą to fyeem ma racje  ~ Divir 29.07.2019 16:08
Jak nie dziala, skoro uzywam tego u siebie i dziala poprawnie. Przeinstalowales plugin?
Kodowanie, edycja i tworzenie styli, for, stron, poszczególnych elementów - polecane szczególnie dla osób, które nie potrafią sobie poradzić z problemami.
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Strona główna » Paczki szablonów » Szablony globalne » Edycja szablonu: topStats_LastActiveThreadsRow

Znajdź fragment z linkiem i zastąp:
<a href="{$tpl['subjectlink']}?action=lastpost">
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