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The Server Board does not work.

Założony przez  ByLunaci.

wersja skryptu MyBB: 1.8.6
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na czym polega problem (screen, opis, komunikaty):  [Obrazek: vnMWb6.png]

[TUTAJ OPIS PROBLEMU + SCREENY - wykasuj tę linijkę!!!]

Firstly Hello everyone, I'm the only English I could write in TurkishIt looks open but the servers closed. The makers of the plugin I saw here and I came straight here. I'm sorry if I have turned on the topic in the wrong place. I don't know your languageThanks in advance, Poland.

@In the meantime, the last version of the plugin. 49. Version.
probably your web host block ports on firewall
How Can I do that ? For the firewall does it affect the cloudflare ?

The game let you open ports. For the site ?
I don't thing this is cloudflare problem but hry off cloudflare.
Ask your web host admin to open port

First try open this ports
Thanks. I'll write here when you get the result. Open the ports on my web server and I will test it. I'm opening the game ports. On the website

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