18.06.2018, 18:36
18.06.2018, 18:52
Przejdź do: inc/languages/polish.php i sprawdź czy $langinfo['rtl'] na pewno przyjmuje 0 .
18.06.2018, 18:57
// The friendly name of the language
$langinfo['name'] = "Polski";
// The author of the language
$langinfo['author'] = "Polski Support MyBB";
// The language authors website
$langinfo['website'] = "http://www.mybboard.pl/";
// Compatible version of MyBB
$langinfo['version'] = "1815";
// Sets if the translation includes the Admin CP (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['admin'] = 1;
// Sets if the language is RTL (Right to Left) (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['rtl'] = 1;
// Sets the lang in the <html> on all pages
$langinfo['htmllang'] = "pl";
// Sets the character set, blank uses the default.
$langinfo['charset'] = "UTF-8";
18.06.2018, 19:17
18.06.2018, 19:25
OK dzięki można zamknąć post.