
Pełna wersja: Nowe posty 1.8
Aktualnie przeglądasz uproszczoną wersję forum. Kliknij tutaj, by zobaczyć wersję z pełnym formatowaniem.
wersja skryptu MyBB: 1.8
adres forum: www.CsOpole.xaa.pl
na czym polega problem (screen, opis, komunikaty, nazwa i wersja wtyczki): Poszukuje pluginu który pokazywał by mi w tabelce nowe posty (nie tematy tylko posty!). Przeszukałem internet i niestety nie znalazłem nic na wersje 1.8 :(
Bardzo prosze o pomoc!


To chyba nie całego neta jeszcze przeszukałeś... DVZ_Stream.
@up czytanie z zrozumieniem pro poziom, szukam na 1.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Krzyczeć to możesz sobie do kolegów z CSa, a nie do osoby pomagającej za free. Wystarczy zmienić kompatybilność i działa też pod najnowszą wersją.
No ok, ale w którym miejscu mam to zmienić? (plik plugins)

/* by Tomasz 'Devilshakerz' Mlynski [devilshakerz.com]; Copyright (C) 2014
released under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ */

// add hooks
$plugins->hooks['global_end'][10]['dvz_stream_global_end'] = array('function' => array('dvz_stream', 'global_end')); // load language file, catch Stream page
$plugins->hooks['index_end'] [10]['dvz_stream_window']     = array('function' => array('dvz_stream', 'window'));    // load Stream window to {$dvz_stream} variable
$plugins->hooks['xmlhttp']   [10]['dvz_stream_xmlhttp']    = array('function' => array('dvz_stream', 'xmlhttp'));  // xmlhttp.php listening

// register streams
dvz_stream::register('posts', function ($limit, $lastItemId = 0) {
    global $db;

    $items = array();

    require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/functions_search.php';

    $query_where = null;

    $excluded = get_unsearchable_forums();
    if ($excluded) {
        $query_where .= ' AND p.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

    $excluded = get_inactive_forums();
    if ($excluded) {
        $query_where .= ' AND p.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

    $excluded = get_unviewable_forums(true);
    if($excluded) {
        $query_where .= ' AND p.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

    $data = $db->query("
            p.pid, p.dateline,
            u.uid, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup,
            t.tid, t.subject, t.fid,
            ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u   ON p.uid = u.uid
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON p.tid = t.tid
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f  ON p.fid = f.fid
        WHERE p.pid > " . (int)$lastItemId . " AND p.replyto != 0 " . $query_where . "
        ORDER BY p.pid DESC
        LIMIT " . (int)$limit . "

    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) {
        $forum    = '<a href="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/' . get_forum_link($row['fid']) . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>';
        $thread   = '<a href="' . get_post_link($row['pid'], $row['tid']) . '#pid' . $row['pid'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['subject']) . '</a></strong>';
        $location = $forum . ' &rarr; <strong>' . $thread . '</strong>';

        $items[] = array(
            'id'           => $row['pid'],
            'date'         => $row['dateline'],
            'uid'          => $row['uid'],
            'username'     => $row['username'],
            'usergroup'    => $row['usergroup'],
            'displaygroup' => $row['displaygroup'],
            'location'     => $location,

    return $items;
dvz_stream::register('threads', function ($limit, $lastItemId = 0) {
    global $db;

    $items = array();

    require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/functions_search.php';

    $query_where = null;

    $excluded = get_unsearchable_forums();
    if ($excluded) {
        $query_where .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

    $excluded = get_inactive_forums();
    if ($excluded) {
        $query_where .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

    $excluded = get_unviewable_forums(true);
    if($excluded) {
        $query_where .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

    $data = $db->query("
            t.tid, t.subject, t.fid, t.dateline,
            u.uid, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup,
            ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u  ON t.uid = u.uid
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON t.fid = f.fid
        WHERE t.tid > " . (int)$lastItemId . " AND t.visible = 1 " . $query_where . "
        ORDER BY t.tid DESC
        LIMIT " . (int)$limit . "

    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) {
        $forum    = '<a href="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/' . get_forum_link($row['fid']) . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>';
        $thread   = '<a href="' . get_thread_link($row['tid']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['subject']) . '</a></strong>';

        $items[] = array(
            'id'           => $row['tid'],
            'date'         => $row['dateline'],
            'uid'          => $row['uid'],
            'username'     => $row['username'],
            'usergroup'    => $row['usergroup'],
            'displaygroup' => $row['displaygroup'],
            'location'     => $forum,
            'item'         => $thread,

    return $items;
dvz_stream::register('users', function ($limit, $lastItemId = 0) {
    global $db;

    $items = array();

    $data = $db->query("
            u.uid, u.regdate, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
            ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u
        WHERE u.uid > " . (int)$lastItemId . "
        ORDER BY u.uid DESC
        LIMIT " . (int)$limit . "

    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) {
        $items[] = array(
            'id'           => $row['uid'],
            'date'         => $row['regdate'],
            'uid'          => $row['uid'],
            'username'     => $row['username'],
            'usergroup'    => $row['usergroup'],
            'displaygroup' => $row['displaygroup'],

    return $items;
}, true);

class dvz_stream {

    // internal cache
    static $streamsMemory = false;
    static $userGroups = false;

    static $streams = array();

    // hooks
    function global_end () {
        global $mybb, $lang;


        if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'stream') {
            return dvz_stream::page();
    function xmlhttp () {
        global $mybb, $lang, $charset;

        if (
            $mybb->input['action'] == 'dvz_st_get'
            && (dvz_stream::access_update() || dvz_stream::access_view('page'))
        ) {


            $request = is_array($mybb->input['streams'])
                ? $mybb->input['streams']
                : array()

            // combined items list with streams information
            $packet = dvz_stream::get_data($request, $mybb->input['limit']);

            $html = dvz_stream::getHtml($packet['items']);

            header('Content-type: text/plain; charset='.$charset);
            header('Cache-Control: no-store'); // Chrome request caching issue

            echo json_encode(array(
                'streams' => $packet['streams'],
                'html' => $html,



    // immediate output
    static function window () {
        global $templates, $dvz_stream, $lang, $mybb, $theme;

        // MyBB template
        $dvz_stream = null;

        // dvz_stream template
        $javascript = null;

        if (dvz_stream::access_view('window')) {

            $packet = dvz_stream::get_data(false, $mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_window']);

            $html = dvz_stream::getHtml($packet['items']);

            $pagelink = dvz_stream::access_view('page')
                ? '<p class="right"><a href="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/index.php?action=stream">&laquo; ' . $lang->dvz_st_pagelink . '</a></p>'
                : null

            if ((float)$mybb->settings['dvz_st_interval_window'] > 0 && dvz_stream::access_update()) {
                $javascript = '
<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/jscripts/dvz_stream.js"></script>
' . dvz_stream::js('window', $packet['streams']) . '
            } else {
                $javascript = null;

            eval('$dvz_stream = "' . $templates->get('dvz_stream_window') . '";');


    static function page () {
        global $mybb, $templates, $lang, $theme, $footer, $headerinclude, $header, $charset;

        if (!dvz_stream::access_view('page')) return false;

        header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.$charset);

        add_breadcrumb($lang->dvz_st_title, "index.php?action=stream");

        $packet = dvz_stream::get_data(false, $mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_page']);

        $html = dvz_stream::getHtml($packet['items']);

        $javascript = '
<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/jscripts/dvz_stream.js"></script>
' . dvz_stream::js('page', $packet['streams']) . '

        // streams list
        $streams = null;
        foreach (dvz_stream::$streams as $streamId => $function) {
            $streams .= '<label data-stream="' . $streamId . '" class="active"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" autocomplete="off"> ' . $lang->{'dvz_st_stream_'.$streamId} . '</label>';

        eval('$content = "'.$templates->get("dvz_stream_page").'";');


    static function render_entry ($data) {
        global $mybb, $lang;

        $event  = $lang->{'dvz_st_event_'.$data['stream']};
        $date   = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'].' '.$mybb->settings['timeformat'], $data['date']);
        $user   = isset($data['uid'])
            ? ' &mdash; <a href="' . get_profile_link($data['uid']) . '">' . format_name($data['username'], $data['usergroup'], $data['displaygroup']) . '</a>'
            : null
        $location = isset($data['location'])
            ? ' (' . $data['location'] . ')'
            : null
        $item = isset($data['item']) ? ': <span class="item">' . $data['item'] . '</span>' : null;

        return '
<div class="entry" data-stream="' . $data['stream'] . '">
    <span class="event">' . $event . '</span> <span class="date">' . $date . '</span>' . $user . $location . $item . '


    // streams handling
    static function get_data ($request = false, $limit = false) {
        global $mybb;

        $streamsData = array();
        $items = array();

        // get all streams
        if ($request === false) {
            $request = array_fill_keys(array_keys(dvz_stream::$streams), 0);

        // limit for total returned items
        $hardLimit = max($mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_window'], $mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_page']);
        $limit = $limit
            ? min($limit, $hardLimit)
            : $hardLimit

        foreach ($request as $streamId => $lastItemId) {

            if ( isset(dvz_stream::$streams[ $streamId ]) ) {

                $stream = dvz_stream::get_stream($streamId, $limit, $lastItemId);
                $items = array_merge($items, $stream);

                // last entry ID
                if (!isset( $streamsData[ $streamId ] )) {
                    $streamsData[ $streamId ] = $stream ? reset($stream)['id'] : 0;



        // sort descending
        usort($items, function($a, $b){ return $b['date'] - $a['date']; });

        // limit items
        $items = array_slice($items, 0, $limit);

        return array(
            'streams' => $streamsData,
            'items' => $items,
    static function get_stream ($streamId, $limit, $lastItemId = false) {
        global $mybb;

        if (
            && dvz_stream::$streams[ $streamId ]['cacheable']
        ) {

            $stream = dvz_stream::get_stream_cached($streamId, $limit, $lastItemId);

        } else {

            $stream = dvz_stream::get_stream_fresh($streamId, $limit, $lastItemId);


        return $stream;
    static function get_stream_fresh ($streamId, $limit, $lastItemId = false) {
        global $mybb;

        // get data from stream functions
        $f = dvz_stream::$streams[ $streamId ]['function'];
        $streamItems = $f($limit, $lastItemId);

        // assign streamId to each item
        array_walk($streamItems, function(&$item) use ($streamId){ $item['stream'] = $streamId; });

        return $streamItems;
    static function get_stream_cached ($streamId, $limit, $lastItemId = false) {
        global $mybb;

        // get stream from memory or cache
        if (isset( dvz_stream::$streamsMemory[ $streamId ] )) {
            $stream = dvz_stream::$streamsMemory[ $streamId ];
        } else {
            $streams = dvz_stream::get_cache($limit);
            dvz_stream::$streamsMemory = $streams;

            $stream = $streams[ $streamId ];

        $filteredStream = array();

        // filter stream
        foreach ($stream as $item) {
            if ($item['id'] <= $lastItemId) break;
            $filteredStream[] = $item;

        // limit items
        $filteredStream = array_slice($filteredStream, 0, $limit);

        return $filteredStream;
    static function get_cache ($limit) {
        global $cache;

        $cached = $cache->read('dvz_stream');

        if ($cached && time() - $cached['time'] <= $mybb->settings['dvz_st_cache']) {
            // cache exists and considered up to date

            return $cached['streams'];

        } else {
            // update cache

            $streams = array();

            foreach (dvz_stream::$streams as $streamId => $stream) {
                if ($stream['cacheable']) {
                    $streams[ $streamId ] = dvz_stream::get_stream_fresh($streamId, $limit);

            $cache->update('dvz_stream', array(
                'time' => time(),
                'streams' => $streams,

            return $streams;

    // internal
    static function register ($streamId, $function, $cacheable = false) {
        dvz_stream::$streams[ $streamId ] = array(
            'function' => $function,
            'cacheable' => $cacheable,
    static function js ($location, $ownStreams = false) {
        global $mybb;

        $interval = dvz_stream::access_update()
            ? (float)$mybb->settings['dvz_st_interval_' . $location]
            : 0
        $items    = (int)$mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_' . $location];
        $streams  = $ownStreams
            ? json_encode($ownStreams)
            : json_encode(array_keys(dvz_stream::$streams))

        $js = null;
        $js .= 'dvz_stream.interval = ' . $interval . ';' . PHP_EOL;
        $js .= 'dvz_stream.items    = ' . $items    . ';' . PHP_EOL;
        $js .= 'dvz_stream.streams  = ' . $streams  . ';' . PHP_EOL;

        if ($ownStreams) {
            $js .= 'dvz_stream.ownStreams = true;' . PHP_EOL;
            $js .= 'setTimeout(\'dvz_stream.loop()\', ' . ($interval * 1000) . ');' . PHP_EOL;

        // lazyLoad
        if ($mybb->settings['dvz_st_lazyload']) {
            $js .= 'dvz_stream.lazyMode = \'' . $mybb->settings['dvz_st_lazyload'] . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
            $js .= 'jQuery(window).bind(\'scroll resize\', dvz_stream.checkVisibility);' . PHP_EOL;

        return $js;
    static function getHtml ($entries) {
        $html = null;

        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $html .= dvz_stream::render_entry($entry);

        return $html;

    // permissions
    static function access_view ($location) {
        global $mybb;

        $array = dvz_stream::settings_get_csv('groups_view_' . $location);

        return (
            empty($array) ||
    static function access_update () {
        global $mybb;

        $array = dvz_stream::settings_get_csv('groups_update');

        return (
            empty($array) ||

    // core library
    static function member_of ($groupsArray) {
        global $mybb;

        if (dvz_stream::$userGroups == false) {
            dvz_stream::$userGroups = explode(',', $mybb->user['additionalgroups']);
            dvz_stream::$userGroups[] = $mybb->user['usergroup'];

        return array_intersect(dvz_stream::$userGroups, $groupsArray);
    static function settings_get_csv ($name) {
        global $mybb;

        $items = explode(',', $mybb->settings['dvz_st_'.$name]);

        if (count($items) == 1 && $items[0] == '') {
            return array();
        } else

        return $items;


// MyBB handling
function dvz_stream_info () {
    return array(
        'name'           => 'DVZ Stream',
        'description'    => 'Real-time stream of new content appearing on the forum.',
        'website'        => 'http://devilshakerz.com/',
        'author'         => 'Tomasz \'Devilshakerz\' Mlynski',
        'authorsite'     => 'http://devilshakerz.com/',
        'version'        => '1.1',
        'guid'           => 'd34bf2410fc76b73c43b3380c2c6038a',
        'compatibility'  => '16*',
function dvz_stream_install () {
    global $db;

    // settings
    $db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups` VALUES (NULL, 'dvz_stream', 'DVZ Stream', 'Settings for DVZ Stream.', 1, 0)");
    $sgID = $db->insert_id();

    $db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."settings` VALUES
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_entries_window', 'Number of entries in Stream window', '', 'text', '6', 1, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_entries_page', 'Number of entries on Stream page', '', 'text', '20', 2, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_interval_window', 'Refresh interval: Window (seconds)', 'Interval between AJAX Stream update requests (lower values provide better synchronization but cause higher server load). Set 0 to disable the auto-refreshing feature.', 'text', '5', 3, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_interval_page', 'Refresh interval: Stream page (seconds)', '', 'text', '5', 4, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_lazyload', 'Lazy load', 'Start loading data only when the Stream window is actually being displayed on the screen (the page is scrolled to the Stream window position).', 'select
start=Check if on display to start
always=Always check if on display to refresh', 'off', 5, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_cache', 'Caching time (seconds)', 'If not set to <i>0</i>, certain streams will be cached for specified amount of time. Note that not every stream can be cached.', 'text', '0', 6, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_groups_view_window', 'Group permissions: View window', 'Comma-separated list of user groups that Stream is visible to. Leave empty to let everyone view (including guests).', 'text', '', 7, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_groups_update', 'Group permissions: Window auto-update', 'Comma-separated list of user groups that Stream will be automatically updating for in the Stream window. Leave empty to let update for everyone.', 'text', '', 8, $sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_groups_view_page', 'Group permissions: View page', 'Comma-separated list of user groups that auto-updating Stream will be available on the Stream page. Leave empty to let everyone view the Stream page.', 'text', '', 9, $sgID, 0)


    // templates
    $template_window = '
<div id="stream">

<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead">
<td class="trow1">
<div class="data">{$html}</div>



<br />';

    $template_page = '<html>

<br />

<div id="stream">

<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>{$lang->dvz_st_title}</strong></td>
<td class="tcat">
<span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->dvz_st_select}</strong></span>
<div class="streams">{$streams}</div>
<td class="trow1">
<div class="data">{$html}</div>



<br />


    $db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."templates` VALUES (NULL, 'dvz_stream_window', '".$db->escape_string($template_window)."', '-1', '1', '', '".time()."')");
    $db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."templates` VALUES (NULL, 'dvz_stream_page',   '".$db->escape_string($template_page)."',   '-1', '1', '', '".time()."')");

function dvz_stream_uninstall () {
    global $db;

    $groupID = $db->fetch_field(
        $db->simple_select('settinggroups', 'gid', "name='dvz_stream'"),

    // delete settings
    $db->delete_query('settinggroups', "name='dvz_stream'");
    $db->delete_query('settings', 'gid='.$groupID);

    // delete templates
    $db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."templates WHERE title IN('dvz_stream', 'dvz_stream_window', 'dvz_stream_page')");

    // delete datacache entry
    $db->delete_query('datacache', "title='dvz_stream'");
function dvz_stream_is_installed () {
        global $db;
        $query = $db->simple_select('settinggroups', '*', "name='dvz_stream'");
        return $db->num_rows($query);

Kod PHP:
/* by Tomasz 'Devilshakerz' Mlynski [devilshakerz.com]; Copyright (C) 2014
released under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ */

// add hooks
$plugins->hooks['global_end'][10]['dvz_stream_global_end'] = array('function' => array('dvz_stream''global_end')); // load language file, catch Stream page
$plugins->hooks['index_end'] [10]['dvz_stream_window']     = array('function' => array('dvz_stream''window'));    // load Stream window to {$dvz_stream} variable
$plugins->hooks['xmlhttp']   [10]['dvz_stream_xmlhttp']    = array('function' => array('dvz_stream''xmlhttp'));  // xmlhttp.php listening

// register streams
dvz_stream::register('posts', function ($limit$lastItemId 0) {

$items = array();


$query_where null;

$excluded get_unsearchable_forums();
    if (
$excluded) {
$query_where .= ' AND p.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

$excluded get_inactive_forums();
    if (
$excluded) {
$query_where .= ' AND p.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

$excluded get_unviewable_forums(true);
$excluded) {
$query_where .= ' AND p.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

$data $db->query("
            p.pid, p.dateline,
            u.uid, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup,
            t.tid, t.subject, t.fid,
.TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
            LEFT JOIN "
.TABLE_PREFIX."users u   ON p.uid = u.uid
            LEFT JOIN "
.TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON p.tid = t.tid
            LEFT JOIN "
.TABLE_PREFIX."forums f  ON p.fid = f.fid
        WHERE p.pid > " 
. (int)$lastItemId " AND p.replyto != 0 " $query_where "
        ORDER BY p.pid DESC
        LIMIT " 
. (int)$limit "

    while (
$row $db->fetch_array($data)) {
$forum    '<a href="' $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/' get_forum_link($row['fid']) . '">' $row['name'] . '</a>';
$thread   '<a href="' get_post_link($row['pid'], $row['tid']) . '#pid' $row['pid'] . '">' htmlspecialchars($row['subject']) . '</a></strong>';
$location $forum ' &rarr; <strong>' $thread '</strong>';

$items[] = array(
'id'           => $row['pid'],
'date'         => $row['dateline'],
'uid'          => $row['uid'],
'username'     => $row['username'],
'usergroup'    => $row['usergroup'],
'displaygroup' => $row['displaygroup'],
'location'     => $location,

dvz_stream::register('threads', function ($limit$lastItemId 0) {

$items = array();


$query_where null;

$excluded get_unsearchable_forums();
    if (
$excluded) {
$query_where .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

$excluded get_inactive_forums();
    if (
$excluded) {
$query_where .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

$excluded get_unviewable_forums(true);
$excluded) {
$query_where .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$excluded.')';

$data $db->query("
            t.tid, t.subject, t.fid, t.dateline,
            u.uid, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup,
.TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
            LEFT JOIN "
.TABLE_PREFIX."users u  ON t.uid = u.uid
            LEFT JOIN "
.TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON t.fid = f.fid
        WHERE t.tid > " 
. (int)$lastItemId " AND t.visible = 1 " $query_where "
        ORDER BY t.tid DESC
        LIMIT " 
. (int)$limit "

    while (
$row $db->fetch_array($data)) {
$forum    '<a href="' $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/' get_forum_link($row['fid']) . '">' $row['name'] . '</a>';
$thread   '<a href="' get_thread_link($row['tid']) . '">' htmlspecialchars($row['subject']) . '</a></strong>';

$items[] = array(
'id'           => $row['tid'],
'date'         => $row['dateline'],
'uid'          => $row['uid'],
'username'     => $row['username'],
'usergroup'    => $row['usergroup'],
'displaygroup' => $row['displaygroup'],
'location'     => $forum,
'item'         => $thread,

dvz_stream::register('users', function ($limit$lastItemId 0) {

$items = array();

$data $db->query("
            u.uid, u.regdate, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
.TABLE_PREFIX."users u
        WHERE u.uid > " 
. (int)$lastItemId "
        ORDER BY u.uid DESC
        LIMIT " 
. (int)$limit "

    while (
$row $db->fetch_array($data)) {
$items[] = array(
'id'           => $row['uid'],
'date'         => $row['regdate'],
'uid'          => $row['uid'],
'username'     => $row['username'],
'usergroup'    => $row['usergroup'],
'displaygroup' => $row['displaygroup'],


dvz_stream {

// internal cache
static $streamsMemory false;
$userGroups false;

$streams = array();

// hooks
function global_end () {


        if (
$mybb->input['action'] == 'stream') {
xmlhttp () {

        if (
$mybb->input['action'] == 'dvz_st_get'
&& (dvz_stream::access_update() || dvz_stream::access_view('page'))
        ) {


$request is_array($mybb->input['streams'])
                : array()

// combined items list with streams information
$packet dvz_stream::get_data($request$mybb->input['limit']);

$html dvz_stream::getHtml($packet['items']);

header('Content-type: text/plain; charset='.$charset);
header('Cache-Control: no-store'); // Chrome request caching issue

echo json_encode(array(
'streams' => $packet['streams'],
'html' => $html,



// immediate output
static function window () {

// MyBB template
$dvz_stream null;

// dvz_stream template
$javascript null;

        if (
dvz_stream::access_view('window')) {

$packet dvz_stream::get_data(false$mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_window']);

$html dvz_stream::getHtml($packet['items']);

$pagelink dvz_stream::access_view('page')
'<p class="right"><a href="' $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/index.php?action=stream">&laquo; ' $lang->dvz_st_pagelink '</a></p>'

            if ((float)
$mybb->settings['dvz_st_interval_window'] > && dvz_stream::access_update()) {
$javascript '
<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/jscripts/dvz_stream.js"></script>
dvz_stream::js('window'$packet['streams']) . '
            } else {
$javascript null;

'$dvz_stream = "' $templates->get('dvz_stream_window') . '";');


    static function 
page () {

        if (!
dvz_stream::access_view('page')) return false;

header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.$charset);


$packet dvz_stream::get_data(false$mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_page']);

$html dvz_stream::getHtml($packet['items']);

$javascript '
<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/jscripts/dvz_stream.js"></script>
dvz_stream::js('page'$packet['streams']) . '

// streams list
$streams null;
        foreach (
dvz_stream::$streams as $streamId => $function) {
$streams .= '<label data-stream="' $streamId '" class="active"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" autocomplete="off"> ' $lang->{'dvz_st_stream_'.$streamId} . '</label>';

'$content = "'.$templates->get("dvz_stream_page").'";');


    static function 
render_entry ($data) {

$event  $lang->{'dvz_st_event_'.$data['stream']};
$date   my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'].' '.$mybb->settings['timeformat'], $data['date']);
$user   = isset($data['uid'])
' &mdash; <a href="' get_profile_link($data['uid']) . '">' format_name($data['username'], $data['usergroup'], $data['displaygroup']) . '</a>'
$location = isset($data['location'])
' (' $data['location'] . ')'
$item = isset($data['item']) ? ': <span class="item">' $data['item'] . '</span>' null;

<div class="entry" data-stream="' 
$data['stream'] . '">
    <span class="event">' 
$event '</span> <span class="date">' $date '</span>' $user $location $item '


// streams handling
static function get_data ($request false$limit false) {

$streamsData = array();
$items = array();

// get all streams
if ($request === false) {
$request array_fill_keys(array_keys(dvz_stream::$streams), 0);

// limit for total returned items
$hardLimit max($mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_window'], $mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_page']);
$limit $limit

        foreach (
$request as $streamId => $lastItemId) {

            if ( isset(
dvz_stream::$streams$streamId ]) ) {

$stream dvz_stream::get_stream($streamId$limit$lastItemId);
$items array_merge($items$stream);

// last entry ID
if (!isset( $streamsData$streamId ] )) {
$streamsData$streamId ] = $stream reset($stream)['id'] : 0;



// sort descending
usort($items, function($a$b){ return $b['date'] - $a['date']; });

// limit items
$items array_slice($items0$limit);

        return array(
'streams' => $streamsData,
'items' => $items,
    static function 
get_stream ($streamId$limit$lastItemId false) {

        if (
dvz_stream::$streams$streamId ]['cacheable']
        ) {

$stream dvz_stream::get_stream_cached($streamId$limit$lastItemId);

        } else {

$stream dvz_stream::get_stream_fresh($streamId$limit$lastItemId);


    static function 
get_stream_fresh ($streamId$limit$lastItemId false) {

// get data from stream functions
$f dvz_stream::$streams$streamId ]['function'];
$streamItems $f($limit$lastItemId);

// assign streamId to each item
array_walk($streamItems, function(&$item) use ($streamId){ $item['stream'] = $streamId; });

    static function 
get_stream_cached ($streamId$limit$lastItemId false) {

// get stream from memory or cache
if (isset( dvz_stream::$streamsMemory$streamId ] )) {
$stream dvz_stream::$streamsMemory$streamId ];
        } else {
$streams dvz_stream::get_cache($limit);
dvz_stream::$streamsMemory $streams;

$stream $streams$streamId ];

$filteredStream = array();

// filter stream
foreach ($stream as $item) {
            if (
$item['id'] <= $lastItemId) break;
$filteredStream[] = $item;

// limit items
$filteredStream array_slice($filteredStream0$limit);

    static function 
get_cache ($limit) {

$cached $cache->read('dvz_stream');

        if (
$cached && time() - $cached['time'] <= $mybb->settings['dvz_st_cache']) {
// cache exists and considered up to date

return $cached['streams'];

        } else {
// update cache

$streams = array();

            foreach (
dvz_stream::$streams as $streamId => $stream) {
                if (
$stream['cacheable']) {
$streams$streamId ] = dvz_stream::get_stream_fresh($streamId$limit);

$cache->update('dvz_stream', array(
'time' => time(),
'streams' => $streams,


// internal
static function register ($streamId$function$cacheable false) {
dvz_stream::$streams$streamId ] = array(
'function' => $function,
'cacheable' => $cacheable,
    static function 
js ($location$ownStreams false) {

$interval dvz_stream::access_update()
            ? (float)
$mybb->settings['dvz_st_interval_' $location]
$items    = (int)$mybb->settings['dvz_st_entries_' $location];
$streams  $ownStreams

$js null;
$js .= 'dvz_stream.interval = ' $interval ';' PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'dvz_stream.items    = ' $items    ';' PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'dvz_stream.streams  = ' $streams  ';' PHP_EOL;

        if (
$ownStreams) {
$js .= 'dvz_stream.ownStreams = true;' PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'setTimeout(\'dvz_stream.loop()\', ' . ($interval 1000) . ');' PHP_EOL;

// lazyLoad
if ($mybb->settings['dvz_st_lazyload']) {
$js .= 'dvz_stream.lazyMode = \'' $mybb->settings['dvz_st_lazyload'] . '\';' PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'jQuery(window).bind(\'scroll resize\', dvz_stream.checkVisibility);' PHP_EOL;

    static function 
getHtml ($entries) {
$html null;

        foreach (
$entries as $entry) {
$html .= dvz_stream::render_entry($entry);


// permissions
static function access_view ($location) {

$array dvz_stream::settings_get_csv('groups_view_' $location);

        return (
$array) ||
    static function 
access_update () {

$array dvz_stream::settings_get_csv('groups_update');

        return (
$array) ||

// core library
static function member_of ($groupsArray) {

        if (
dvz_stream::$userGroups == false) {
dvz_stream::$userGroups explode(','$mybb->user['additionalgroups']);
dvz_stream::$userGroups[] = $mybb->user['usergroup'];

    static function 
settings_get_csv ($name) {

$items explode(','$mybb->settings['dvz_st_'.$name]);

        if (
count($items) == && $items[0] == '') {
            return array();
        } else



// MyBB handling
function dvz_stream_info () {
    return array(
'name'           => 'DVZ Stream',
'description'    => 'Real-time stream of new content appearing on the forum.',
'website'        => 'http://devilshakerz.com/',
'author'         => 'Tomasz \'Devilshakerz\' Mlynski',
'authorsite'     => 'http://devilshakerz.com/',
'version'        => '1.1',
'guid'           => 'd34bf2410fc76b73c43b3380c2c6038a',
'compatibility'  => '18*',
dvz_stream_install () {

// settings
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups` VALUES (NULL, 'dvz_stream', 'DVZ Stream', 'Settings for DVZ Stream.', 1, 0)");
$sgID $db->insert_id();

$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."settings` VALUES
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_entries_window', 'Number of entries in Stream window', '', 'text', '6', 1, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_entries_page', 'Number of entries on Stream page', '', 'text', '20', 2, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_interval_window', 'Refresh interval: Window (seconds)', 'Interval between AJAX Stream update requests (lower values provide better synchronization but cause higher server load). Set 0 to disable the auto-refreshing feature.', 'text', '5', 3, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_interval_page', 'Refresh interval: Stream page (seconds)', '', 'text', '5', 4, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_lazyload', 'Lazy load', 'Start loading data only when the Stream window is actually being displayed on the screen (the page is scrolled to the Stream window position).', 'select
start=Check if on display to start
always=Always check if on display to refresh', 'off', 5, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_cache', 'Caching time (seconds)', 'If not set to <i>0</i>, certain streams will be cached for specified amount of time. Note that not every stream can be cached.', 'text', '0', 6, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_groups_view_window', 'Group permissions: View window', 'Comma-separated list of user groups that Stream is visible to. Leave empty to let everyone view (including guests).', 'text', '', 7, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_groups_update', 'Group permissions: Window auto-update', 'Comma-separated list of user groups that Stream will be automatically updating for in the Stream window. Leave empty to let update for everyone.', 'text', '', 8, 
$sgID, 0),
        (NULL, 'dvz_st_groups_view_page', 'Group permissions: View page', 'Comma-separated list of user groups that auto-updating Stream will be available on the Stream page. Leave empty to let everyone view the Stream page.', 'text', '', 9, 
$sgID, 0)


// templates
$template_window '
<div id="stream">

<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead">
<td class="trow1">
<div class="data">{$html}</div>



<br />'

$template_page '<html>

<br />

<div id="stream">

<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>{$lang->dvz_st_title}</strong></td>
<td class="tcat">
<span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->dvz_st_select}</strong></span>
<div class="streams">{$streams}</div>
<td class="trow1">
<div class="data">{$html}</div>



<br />


$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."templates` VALUES (NULL, 'dvz_stream_window', '".$db->escape_string($template_window)."', '-1', '1', '', '".time()."')");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."templates` VALUES (NULL, 'dvz_stream_page',   '".$db->escape_string($template_page)."',   '-1', '1', '', '".time()."')");

dvz_stream_uninstall () {

$groupID $db->fetch_field(

// delete settings

// delete templates
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."templates WHERE title IN('dvz_stream', 'dvz_stream_window', 'dvz_stream_page')");

// delete datacache entry
dvz_stream_is_installed () {
$query $db->simple_select('settinggroups''*'"name='dvz_stream'");

@up dzięki za pomoc, jeszcze jedno pytanie. Czy wiesz gdzie znajduje się plik headerinclude? w acp/style/szablony/header nie mam czegoś takiego :(