
Pełna wersja: Tabela Serwerów Supryka - błędne wyświetlanie.
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Na czym polega problem :


Mam problem z wyświetlaniem się serwera TS3 w tabeli serwerów od Supryka.
Otóż cały czas wyświetla mi się że serwer jest OFFLINE lecz tak nie jest !

Na Gametracker jest on normalnie uruchomiony, pisze ile osób siedzi itp.
A tu jest Offline...

PS. Ten poradnik widziałem: http://polish-zone.pl/watek-pytania-i-od...nd-answers i zastosowałem się do niego, lecz nie mogę przestawić ostatniej wartości. Czy w tym problem?

Proszę o Pomoc i Pozdrawiam
hosting serwera ts3?
Podaj tu ip serwera port i query port
Mozesz zapytac czy hosting nie blokuje dostepu do query

Wysłane z mojego LG-P700 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Query: 21013
nadal masz z tym problem?
[Obrazek:] Pokazuje online (nie zawsze bo moze za czesto dopytuje Twoj serwer)

Jeśli tak zapozaj się jednak dobrze z tym
Zgaduje że wina leży po stronie zlego query portu u Ciebie w pliku
Sądze że jest OK.

* This file is part of GameQ.
* GameQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GameQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

* Teamspeak 3 Protocol Class
* This class provides some functionality for getting status information for Teamspeak 3
* servers.
* This code ported from GameQ v1.  Credit to original author(s) as I just updated it to
* work within this new system.
* @author Austin Bischoff <austin@codebeard.com>
class GameQ_Protocols_Teamspeak3 extends GameQ_Protocols
     * Normalization for this protocol class
     * @var array
    protected $normalize = array(
        // General
        'general' => array(
            'dedicated' => array('dedicated'),
            'hostname' => array('virtualservername'),
            'password' => array('virtualserverflagpassword'),
            //'numplayers' => array('virtualserverclientsonline'),
            'maxplayers' => array('virtualservermaxclients'),
            'players' => array('players'),
            'teams' => array('teams'),

        // Player
        'player' => array(
            'name' => array('clientnickname'),
            'team' => array('clid'),

        // Team
        'team' => array(
            'name' => array('channelname'),

     * Array of packets we want to look up.
     * Each key should correspond to a defined method in this or a parent class
     * @var array
    protected $packets = array(
        self::PACKET_DETAILS => "use port=%d\x0Aserverinfo\x0A",
        self::PACKET_PLAYERS => "use port=%d\x0Aclientlist\x0A",
        self::PACKET_CHANNELS => "use port=%d\x0Achannellist -topic\x0A",

     * Methods to be run when processing the response(s)
     * @var array
    protected $process_methods = array(

     * Default port for this server type
     * @var int
    protected $port = 9895; // Default port, used if not set when instanced

     * Because Teamspeak is run like a master server we have to know what port we are really querying
     * @var int
    protected $master_server_port = 21013;

     * We have to use TCP connection
     * @var string
    protected $transport = self::TRANSPORT_TCP;

     * The protocol being used
     * @var string
    protected $protocol = 'teamspeak3';

     * String name of this protocol class
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'teamspeak3';

     * Longer string name of this protocol class
     * @var string
    protected $name_long = "Teamspeak 3";

    protected $join_link = "ts3server://%s?port=%d";

     * Define the items being replaced to fix the return
     * @var array
    protected $string_replace = array(
      "\\\\" => "\\",
      "\\/" => "/",
      "\\s" => " ",
      "\\p" => "|",
      "\\;" => ";",
      "\\a" => "\a",
      "\\b" => "\b",
      "\\f" => "\f",
      "\\n" => "\n",
      "\\r" => "\r",
      "\\t" => "\t"

     * Overload so we can check for some special options
     * @param string $ip
     * @param int $port
     * @param array $options
    public function __construct($ip = FALSE, $port = FALSE, $options = array())
        // Got to do this first
        parent::__construct($ip, $port, $options);

        // Check for override in master server port (query)
        if(isset($this->options['master_server_port']) && !empty($this->options['master_server_port']))
            // Override the master server port
            $this->master_server_port = (int) $this->options['master_server_port'];

     * We need to affect the packets we are sending before they are sent
     * @see GameQ_Protocols_Core::beforeSend()
    public function beforeSend()
        // Let's loop the packets and set the proper pieces
        foreach($this->packets AS $packet_type => $packet)
            // Update the query port for the server
            $this->packets[$packet_type] = sprintf($packet, $this->port);

        // Set the port we are connecting to the master port
        $this->port = $this->master_server_port;

        return TRUE;

     * Internal methods

    protected function preProcess($packets=array())
        // Create a buffer
        $buffer = new GameQ_Buffer(implode("", $packets));

        // Verify the header

        return $buffer;

     * Process the server information
    protected function process_details()
        // Make sure we have a valid response
            return array();

        // Let's preprocess the status
        $buffer = $this->preProcess($this->packets_response[self::PACKET_DETAILS]);

        // Process the buffer response
        $data = $this->parse_response($buffer);

        // Shift off the first item
        $data = array_shift($data);

        // Set the result to a new result instance
        $result = new GameQ_Result();

        // Always dedicated
        $result->add('dedicated', TRUE);

        // Loop the data and add it to the result
        foreach($data AS $key => $value)
            $result->add($key, $value);

        // Do correction for virtual clients
        $result->add('numplayers', ($data['virtualserver_clientsonline'] - $data['virtualserver_queryclientsonline']));

        unset($data, $buffer, $key, $value);

        return $result->fetch();

     * Process the channel listing
    protected function process_channels()
        // Make sure we have a valid response
            return array();

        // Let's preprocess the status
        $buffer = $this->preProcess($this->packets_response[self::PACKET_CHANNELS]);

        // Process the buffer response
        $data = $this->parse_response($buffer);

        // Set the result to a new result instance
        $result = new GameQ_Result();

        foreach ($data AS $channel)
            $channel['channel_name'] = htmlentities($channel['channel_name'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
            foreach ($channel AS $key => $value)
                $result->addTeam($key, $value);

        unset($data, $buffer, $channel, $key, $value);

        return $result->fetch();

    protected function process_players()
        // Make sure we have a valid response
            return array();

        // Let's preprocess the status
        $buffer = $this->preProcess($this->packets_response[self::PACKET_PLAYERS]);

        // Process the buffer response
        $data = $this->parse_response($buffer);

        // Set the result to a new result instance
        $result = new GameQ_Result();

        foreach ($data AS $player)
            // filter out query clients
            if ($player['client_type'] == 1)

        $player['client_nickname'] = htmlentities($player['client_nickname'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
              foreach ($player AS $key => $value)
                $result->addPlayer($key, $value);

        unset($data, $buffer, $player, $key, $value);

        return $result->fetch();

     * Verify the header of the returned response packet
     * @param GameQ_Buffer $buffer
     * @throws GameQ_ProtocolsException
    protected function verify_header(GameQ_Buffer &$buffer)
        // Check length
        if($buffer->getLength() < 6)
            throw new GameQ_ProtocolsException(__METHOD__.": Length of buffer is not long enough");
            return FALSE;

        // Check to make sure the header is correct
        if(($type = $buffer->readString("\n")) != 'TS3')
            throw new GameQ_ProtocolsException(__METHOD__.": Header returned did not match.  Returned {$type}");
            return FALSE;

        // Burn the welcome msg

        // Verify the response and return
        return $this->verify_response(trim($buffer->readString("\n")));

     * Verify the response for the specific entity
     * @param string $response
     * @throws GameQ_ProtocolsException
    protected function verify_response($response)
        // Check the response
        if($response != 'error id=0 msg=ok')
            throw new GameQ_ProtocolsException(__METHOD__.": Header response was not ok.  Response {$response}");
            return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

     * Parse the buffer response into an array and return it
     * @param GameQ_Buffer $buffer
    protected function parse_response(GameQ_Buffer &$buffer)
        // The data is in the first block
        $data = explode ('|', trim($buffer->readString("\n")));

        // The response is the last block

        $return = array();

        foreach ($data as $part)
            $variables = explode (' ', $part);

            $info = array();

            foreach ($variables as $variable)
                // Explode and make sure we always have 2 items in the array
                list($key, $value) = array_pad(explode('=', $variable, 2), 2, '');

                $info[$key] = str_replace(array_keys($this->string_replace), array_values($this->string_replace), $value);

            // Add this to the return
            $return[] = $info;

        return $return;
tak jest ok, o ile dobrze zapisujesz plik
Więc w czym może leżeć problem? ;C

Czy może wiesz które hostingi serwerów TS3 współpracują z twoją tabelą ?