03.03.2012, 20:27
lukasamd napisał(a):Jeżeli hosting nie dawał Ci znać, że za bardzo obciążasz, to wina może należeć do kogoś innego.No właśnie nie nie dawał a teraz nagle o...
lukasamd napisał(a):Jeżeli hosting nie dawał Ci znać, że za bardzo obciążasz, to wina może należeć do kogoś innego.No właśnie nie nie dawał a teraz nagle o...
Generated in 0.1734650 seconds (63.84% PHP / 36.16% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 42 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0903471 / Memory Usage: 7.75 MB
PHP version: 5.4.19 / Server Load: Nieznany / GZip Compression: Disabled
MyBB Debug Information
Page Generation
Page Generation Statistics
Page Generation Time: 0.39451694488525 seconds No. DB Queries: 42
PHP Processing Time: 0.1870277 seconds (47.41%) DB Processing Time: 0.2074893 seconds (52.59%)
Extensions Used: mysqli, xml Global.php Processing Time: 0.1658819 seconds
PHP Version: 5.4.19 Server Load: Nieznany
GZip Encoding Status: Disabled No. Templates Used: 69 (69 Cached / 1 Manually Loaded)
Memory Usage: 7.75 MB (8126464 bytes) Memory Limit: 70M
Database Connections (1 Total)
[READ] Wojtas5@mysql.cba.pl (Connected in 0s)
Database Queries (42 Total)
#1 - Write Query
SET NAMES 'utf8'
Query Time: 0.00039005279541016
#2 - Select Query
SELECT title,cache FROM mybb_datacache
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_datacache ALL 41
Query Time: 0.0029761791229248
#3 - Select Query
SELECT u.*, f.* FROM mybb_users u LEFT JOIN mybb_userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid) WHERE u.uid='1' LIMIT 1
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
u const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
f const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.063333988189697
#4 - Write Query
DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE uid='1'
Query Time: 0.0030918121337891
#5 - Write Query
REPLACE INTO mybb_sessions SET `uid`='1',`sid`='002202841559bb06c7b7987aad594042',`time`='1377278540',`ip`='',`location`='/index.php?debug=1',`useragent`='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0',`location1`='0',`location2`='0',`nopermission`='0'
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SELECT name, tid, properties, stylesheets FROM mybb_themes WHERE tid='5' LIMIT 1
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_themes const PRIMARY PRIMARY 2 const 1
Query Time: 0.002716064453125
#7 - Select Query
SELECT title,template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title IN ('' ,'index' ,'index_whosonline' ,'index_whosonline_memberbit' ,'forumbit_depth1_cat' ,'forumbit_depth1_forum' ,'forumbit_depth2_cat' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum' ,'forumbit_depth1_forum_lastpost' ,'forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost' ,'forumbit_moderators' ,'forumbit_subforums' ,'index_birthdays_birthday' ,'index_birthdays' ,'index_loginform' ,'index_logoutlink' ,'index_stats' ,'forumbit_depth3' ,'forumbit_depth3_statusicon' ,'index_boardstats' ,'thanks_postbit_count' ,'prostats' ,'prostats_readstate_icon' ,'prostats_newmembers' ,'prostats_newmembers_row' ,'prostats_topposters' ,'prostats_topposters_row' ,'prostats_topreferrers' ,'prostats_topreferrers_row' ,'prostats_mostthanks' ,'prostats_mostthanks_row' ,'prostats_newestposts' ,'prostats_newestposts_row' ,'prostats_newestposts_specialchar' ,'prostats_mostreplies' ,'prostats_mostreplies_row' ,'prostats_mostviews' ,'prostats_mostviews_row' ,'prostats_topdownloads' ,'prostats_topdownloads_row' ,'prostats_mostreputation' ,'prostats_mostreputation_row' ,'prostats_message' ,'prostats_onerowextra' ,'prostats_tworowextra' ,'headerinclude' ,'header' ,'footer' ,'gobutton' ,'htmldoctype' ,'header_welcomeblock_member' ,'header_welcomeblock_guest' ,'header_welcomeblock_member_admin' ,'global_pm_alert' ,'global_unreadreports' ,'global_pending_joinrequests' ,'nav' ,'nav_sep' ,'nav_bit' ,'nav_sep_active' ,'nav_bit_active' ,'footer_languageselect' ,'header_welcomeblock_member_moderator' ,'redirect' ,'error' ,'global_boardclosed_warning' ,'global_bannedwarning' ,'error_inline' ,'error_nopermission_loggedin' ,'error_nopermission') AND sid IN ('-2','-1','4') ORDER BY sid ASC
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_templates ALL 788 Using where; Using filesort
Query Time: 0.0033910274505615
#8 - Select Query
SELECT pm.subject, pm.pmid, fu.username AS fromusername, fu.uid AS fromuid FROM mybb_privatemessages pm LEFT JOIN mybb_users fu ON (fu.uid=pm.fromid) WHERE pm.folder='1' AND pm.uid='1' AND pm.status='0' ORDER BY pm.dateline DESC LIMIT 1
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
pm ref uid uid 6 const,const 73 Using where; Using filesort
fu eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 eu_trans_cba_pl.pm.fromid 1
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(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#9 - Select Query
SELECT `fid`, `pid`, `lastpost`, `lastposteruid` FROM `mybb_forums` WHERE `threads` > '0'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_forums ALL 56 Using where
Query Time: 0.056381940841675
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#10 - Select Query
SELECT u.username, u.uid, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup, u.invisible, u.lastactive, s.sid FROM mybb_users u LEFT JOIN mybb_sessions s ON (u.uid=s.uid) WHERE (u.lastactive > 1377192140 OR s.time > 1377192140) ORDER BY u.username
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
u ALL 43 Using filesort
s ref uid uid 4 eu_trans_cba_pl.u.uid 12 Using where
Query Time: 0.0034329891204834
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#11 - Select Query
SELECT gid,title,namestyle FROM mybb_usergroups WHERE gid NOT IN ('3','5','7','6','1')
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_usergroups ALL PRIMARY 21 Using where
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(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#12 - Select Query
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='viewgroups_index' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','4') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_templates ALL 788 Using where; Using filesort
Query Time: 0.0006108283996582
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#13 - Select Query
SELECT * FROM mybb_moderators WHERE ((id IN (4,'10') AND isgroup='1') OR (id='1' AND isgroup='0'))
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables
Query Time: 0.0022048950195312
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#14 - Select Query
SELECT t.subject,t.username,t.uid,t.tid,t.fid,t.lastpost,t.lastposter,t.lastposteruid,t.replies,t.visible,tr.uid AS truid,tr.dateline,tp.displaystyle AS styledprefix,f.name FROM mybb_threads t LEFT JOIN mybb_threadsread tr ON (tr.tid=t.tid AND tr.uid='1') LEFT JOIN mybb_threadprefixes tp ON (tp.pid = t.prefix) LEFT JOIN mybb_forums f ON (f.fid = t.fid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' OR '1'='1' ) AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND f.active = '1' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,11
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
tp system PRIMARY 0 const row not found
f ALL PRIMARY 56 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
t ref fid fid 2 eu_trans_cba_pl.f.fid 2 Using where
tr eq_ref tid tid 8 eu_trans_cba_pl.t.tid,const 1
Query Time: 0.0026040077209473
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#15 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '3'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0025348663330078
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#16 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '3'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0031659603118896
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#17 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '3'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0034589767456055
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#18 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '3'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0016100406646729
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#19 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '2'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0011467933654785
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#20 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '9'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0010170936584473
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#21 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '8'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.001129150390625
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#22 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '9'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0008549690246582
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#23 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '8'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00076103210449219
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#24 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '9'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
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(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#25 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '8'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.003554105758667
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#26 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '9'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00044798851013184
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#27 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '7'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00093197822570801
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#28 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '7'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00070810317993164
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#29 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '9'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00078582763671875
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#30 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '4'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00093603134155273
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#31 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '9'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00088191032409668
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#32 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '4'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.00070786476135254
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#33 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '8'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0021219253540039
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#34 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '4'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0013778209686279
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#35 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '9'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.001478910446167
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#36 - Select Query
SELECT username,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users WHERE uid = '14'
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1
Query Time: 0.0010139942169189
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#37 - Select Query
SELECT t.subject,t.tid,t.fid,t.replies,t.lastpost,t.visible,tr.uid AS truid,tr.dateline FROM mybb_threads t LEFT JOIN mybb_threadsread tr ON (tr.tid=t.tid AND tr.uid='1') LEFT JOIN mybb_forums f ON (f.fid = t.fid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' OR '1'='1' ) AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND f.active = '1' ORDER BY t.replies DESC LIMIT 0,5
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
f ALL PRIMARY 56 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
t ref fid fid 2 eu_trans_cba_pl.f.fid 2 Using where
tr eq_ref tid tid 8 eu_trans_cba_pl.t.tid,const 1
Query Time: 0.0018019676208496
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#38 - Select Query
SELECT username,postnum,uid,usergroup,displaygroup FROM mybb_users ORDER BY postnum DESC LIMIT 0,5
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
mybb_users ALL 43 Using filesort
Query Time: 0.0011899471282959
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#39 - Select Query
SELECT t.subject,t.tid,t.fid,t.lastpost,t.views,t.visible,tr.uid AS truid,tr.dateline FROM mybb_threads t LEFT JOIN mybb_threadsread tr ON (tr.tid=t.tid AND tr.uid='1') LEFT JOIN mybb_forums f ON (f.fid = t.fid) WHERE (t.visible = '1' OR '1'='1' ) AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND f.active = '1' ORDER BY t.views DESC LIMIT 0,5
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
f ALL PRIMARY 56 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
t ref fid fid 2 eu_trans_cba_pl.f.fid 2 Using where
tr eq_ref tid tid 8 eu_trans_cba_pl.t.tid,const 1
Query Time: 0.001378059387207
(Plugin Hook: index_start)
#40 - Select Query
SELECT u.uid,u.reputation,u.username,u.usergroup,u.displaygroup FROM mybb_users u LEFT JOIN mybb_usergroups ug ON (u.usergroup = ug.gid) WHERE ug.usereputationsystem='1' ORDER BY u.reputation DESC LIMIT 0,5
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
u ALL usergroup 43 Using filesort
ug eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 2 eu_trans_cba_pl.u.usergroup 1 Using where
Query Time: 0.0036540031433105
#41 - Select Query
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, s.location1, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mybb_sessions s LEFT JOIN mybb_users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time>'1377277640' ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
s range time time 8 6 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
u eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 eu_trans_cba_pl.s.uid 1
Query Time: 0.0021209716796875
#42 - Select Query
SELECT f.*, fr.dateline AS lastread FROM mybb_forums f LEFT JOIN mybb_forumsread fr ON (fr.fid=f.fid AND fr.uid='1') WHERE f.active != 0 ORDER BY pid, disporder
table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
f ALL 56 Using where; Using filesort
fr eq_ref fid fid 8 eu_trans_cba_pl.f.fid,const 1
Query Time: 0.0015621185302734
Template Statistics
Templates Used (Loaded for this Page) - 69 Total
global_boardclosed_warning, global_pm_alert, index, header_welcomeblock_member, header_welcomeblock_member_moderator, header_welcomeblock_member_admin, redirect, gobutton, forumbit_depth2_forum, forumbit_depth3, forumbit_depth3_statusicon, forumbit_subforums, footer, headerinclude, nav_sep, nav_sep_active, header_welcomeblock_guest, header, forumbit_depth1_cat, global_unreadreports, global_pending_joinrequests, index_loginform, index_whosonline, index_stats, index_birthdays_birthday, forumbit_moderators, index_birthdays, index_logoutlink, error_nopermission, error_nopermission_loggedin, error, index_whosonline_memberbit, forumbit_depth2_cat, nav, nav_bit, nav_bit_active, error_inline, global_bannedwarning, htmldoctype, footer_languageselect, index_boardstats, forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost, forumbit_depth1_forum_lastpost, prostats, thanks_postbit_count, prostats_tworowextra, prostats_onerowextra, prostats_message, prostats_topreferrers_row, prostats_topreferrers, prostats_topposters_row, prostats_topposters, prostats_topdownloads_row, prostats_newmembers_row, prostats_topdownloads, prostats_newmembers, prostats_mostviews_row, prostats_mostthanks_row, prostats_mostviews, prostats_readstate_icon, prostats_newestposts, prostats_newestposts_row, prostats_newestposts_specialchar, prostats_mostreplies, prostats_mostreplies_row, prostats_mostreputation, prostats_mostreputation_row, prostats_mostthanks, viewgroups_index
Templates Requiring Additional Calls (Not Cached at Startup) - 1 Total
(02.03.2012, 22:09)lukasamd napisał(a): [ -> ]A jak się miewa ilość procesorów/rdzeni na platformie do tej informacji ?CipiS napisał(a):Spoko to możesz wytłumaczyć mi co mi może generować taki obciążenie, że mi strone zawieszają?
Inne strony hostowane przez tą samą firmę. Load wskazuje na to, jak bardzo zajęty jest procesor. W zależności od sprzętu jaki jest w serwerze, load o wartości np. 4-5 może być koszmarnie duży, ale może też być całkiem niewielki.
Firma powinna to regulować i ograniczać użytkowników obciążających za mocno serwer, ale zawsze musisz się liczyć z tym, że nie dostajesz gwarantowanych zasobów i ktoś inny może wpływać na działanie Twojej witryny.
Jeżeli hosting nie dawał Ci znać, że za bardzo obciążasz, to wina może należeć do kogoś innego.
gloverek napisał(a):A jak się miewa ilość procesorów/rdzeni na platformie do tej informacji ?
Generated in 0.8201940 seconds (81.90% PHP / 18.10% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 46 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0640049 / Memory Usage: 16.25 MB
PHP version: 5.2.17 / Server Load: 3.79 / GZip Compression: Enabled
Cytat:Nasi użytkownicy napisali 55.001 postów w 5.362 wątkach.
Mamy 4.984 zarejestrowanych użytkowników.
Cytat:Generated in 0.1769519 seconds (43.46% PHP / 56.54% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 18 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0491610 / Memory Usage: 10,75 MB
PHP version: 5.3.27 / Server Load: 1.98 / GZip Compression: Enabled
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