
Pełna wersja: Migracja z IPB na MyBB
Aktualnie przeglądasz uproszczoną wersję forum. Kliknij tutaj, by zobaczyć wersję z pełnym formatowaniem.
nazwa i wersja skryptu, z którego migrowano: IPB 3.4.5
wersja skryptu MyBB: Najnowszy
adres forum: Jeszcze nie
opis problemu:
Jest jakies narzedzie dzieki ktoremu przeniose moje forum z IPB na MyBB? Dodam, ze nie mam licencji na ipb i Bogu dzieki, ze jej nie kupilem bo to totalny szajs... Chce przejsc na MyBB ale nie wiem jak sie do tego zabrac
Nie bardzo smiga na IPB 3.4.5, grupy przenioslem ale juz na uzytkownikach sie wylozyl -.-
Bo ten migrator obecnie nie przenosi z 3.x
Cytat:Invision Power Board 3 - Forthcoming (Beta Version in the SVN Trunk)
W takim wypadku pewnie najlepszą opcją jest wykonanie to przez SMF:
IPB -> SMF -> MyBB
Mam ten Invision Power Board to SMF Converter tylko teraz mam to dac do folderu z IPB czy SMF?

Wywala mi taki blad poki co

Sorry, the database connection information used in the specified installation of SMF cannot access the installation of Invision Power Board. This may either mean that the installation doesn't exist, or that the Database account used does not have permissions to access it.

The error that was received from the Database was: SELECT command denied to user 'kit1232_smf' for table 'members'
Robisz to na osobnych bazach a musi być to wykonane na jednej
Czyli jak stawiam forum SMF to musze podac dane do bazy z IPB?

Converting members...
This query:
id AS id_member, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 80) AS member_name,
joined AS date_registered, posts,
IF(mgroup = 4, 1, IF(mgroup > 5, mgroup + 3, 0)) AS id_group,
last_visit AS last_login, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 255) AS real_name,
IFNULL(msg_total, 0) AS instant_messages,
SUBSTRING(password, 1, 64) AS passwd,
SUBSTRING(email, 1, 255) AS email_address,
SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS website_title,
SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS website_url,
SUBSTRING(location, 1, 255) AS location,
SUBSTRING(icq_number, 1, 255) AS icq, signature,
IF (bday_year = 0 AND bday_month != 0 AND bday_day != 0, CONCAT('0004-', bday_month, '-', bday_day), CONCAT_WS('-', IF(bday_year <= 4, 1, bday_year), IF(bday_month = 0, 1, bday_month), IF(bday_day = 0, 1, bday_day))) AS birthdate,
SUBSTRING(aim_name, 1, 16) AS aim, SUBSTRING(yahoo, 1, 32) AS yim,
SUBSTRING(msnname, 1, 255) AS msn, hide_email AS hide_email,
SUBSTRING(IF(avatar = 'noavatar' OR INSTR(avatar, 'upload') > 0, '', avatar), 1, 255) AS avatar,
IFNULL(email_pm, 0) AS pm_email_notify, '' AS lngfile, '' AS buddy_list,
'' AS pm_ignore_list, '' AS message_labels, '' AS personal_text,
'' AS time_format, '' AS usertitle, '' AS member_ip, '' AS secret_question,
'' AS secret_answer, '' AS validation_code, '' AS additional_groups,
'' AS smiley_set, '' AS password_salt, '' AS member_ip
FROM kit1232_serwerownia.members
WHERE id != 0
LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:
Nieznana kolumna 'id' w field list

Probowalem tez to robic przez konwerter PhpBB 3 i juz po sprawdzeniu wszystkiego wywalilo mi to:

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'kit1232_serwerownia.users' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT username, user_id, user_posts FROM users WHERE user_id IN (265, 266)


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 189
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_ipb34.php
LINE: 1667
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php(1073) : eval()'d code
CALL: phpbb_check_username_collisions()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1073
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 203
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 326
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 203
CALL: module->load()
czyli dane do bazy smf muszą być te same co do IPB
Tak wlasnie jest.
Kiedy jest pod jedna baza to wlasnie wywala ten komunikat

Converting members...
This query:
id AS id_member, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 80) AS member_name,
joined AS date_registered, posts,
IF(mgroup = 4, 1, IF(mgroup > 5, mgroup + 3, 0)) AS id_group,
last_visit AS last_login, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 255) AS real_name,
IFNULL(msg_total, 0) AS instant_messages,
SUBSTRING(password, 1, 64) AS passwd,
SUBSTRING(email, 1, 255) AS email_address,
SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS website_title,
SUBSTRING(website, 1, 255) AS website_url,
SUBSTRING(location, 1, 255) AS location,
SUBSTRING(icq_number, 1, 255) AS icq, signature,
IF (bday_year = 0 AND bday_month != 0 AND bday_day != 0, CONCAT('0004-', bday_month, '-', bday_day), CONCAT_WS('-', IF(bday_year <= 4, 1, bday_year), IF(bday_month = 0, 1, bday_month), IF(bday_day = 0, 1, bday_day))) AS birthdate,
SUBSTRING(aim_name, 1, 16) AS aim, SUBSTRING(yahoo, 1, 32) AS yim,
SUBSTRING(msnname, 1, 255) AS msn, hide_email AS hide_email,
SUBSTRING(IF(avatar = 'noavatar' OR INSTR(avatar, 'upload') > 0, '', avatar), 1, 255) AS avatar,
IFNULL(email_pm, 0) AS pm_email_notify, '' AS lngfile, '' AS buddy_list,
'' AS pm_ignore_list, '' AS message_labels, '' AS personal_text,
'' AS time_format, '' AS usertitle, '' AS member_ip, '' AS secret_question,
'' AS secret_answer, '' AS validation_code, '' AS additional_groups,
'' AS smiley_set, '' AS password_salt, '' AS member_ip
FROM `kit1232_serwerownia`.members
WHERE id != 0
LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:
Nieznana kolumna 'id' w field list
