
Pełna wersja: Domyślne ikony poddziałów
Aktualnie przeglądasz uproszczoną wersję forum. Kliknij tutaj, by zobaczyć wersję z pełnym formatowaniem.
wersja skryptu MyBB: 1.6.8
adres forum: cinasek.unixstorm.org
na czym polega problem (screen, opis, komunikaty):
Zmieniłem ikony działów na własne według tego poradnika:

Lecz to także zmienia ikony poddziałów a chciałbym aby były zwykłe:
[Obrazek: minion.gif]
[Obrazek: minioff.gif]

Jak to zmienić?


  1. Otwieramy plik functions_forumlist.PHP
  2. Szukamy:
    $folder = "offlock";
    Zmieniamy na:
    if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."images/nazwastylu/".$forum['fid'].".gif") {
                $folder = $forum['fid'];
            } else {
                $folder = "offlock";
  3. Szukamy:
    $folder = "on";
    Zmieniamy na:
    if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."images/nazwastylu/".$forum['fid'].".gif") {
                $folder = $forum['fid'];
            } else {
                $folder = "offlock";
  4. Szukamy:
    $folder = "off";
    Zmieniamy na:
    if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."images/nazwastylu/".$forum['fid'].".gif") {
                $folder = $forum['fid'];
            } else {
                $folder = "offlock";
  5. Koniec.
Nie zapomnij zmienić "nazwastylu" tutaj:
Ewentualnie, jak używasz domyślnego stylu to daj:
Powinno zadziałać, tylko nie dawaj poddziałom własnych ikonek.
Niestety mam inaczej i nie mogę z lekka tego ogarnąć:

* MyBB 1.6
* Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* Website: http://mybb.com
* License: http://mybb.com/about/license
* $Id: functions_forumlist.php 5711 2011-12-08 15:22:29Z Tomm $

* Build a list of forum bits.
* @param int The parent forum to fetch the child forums for (0 assumes all)
* @param int The depth to return forums with.
* @return array Array of information regarding the child forums of this parent forum
function build_forumbits($pid=0, $depth=1)
    global $db, $fcache, $moderatorcache, $forumpermissions, $theme, $mybb, $templates, $bgcolor, $collapsed, $lang, $showdepth, $plugins, $parser, $forum_viewers;
    static $private_forums;
    $forum_listing = '';

    // If no forums exist with this parent, do nothing

    // Foreach of the forums in this parent
    foreach($fcache[$pid] as $parent)
        foreach($parent as $forum)
            $forums = $subforums = $sub_forums = '';
            $lastpost_data = '';
            $counters = '';
            $forum_viewers_text = '';
            $forum_viewers_text_plain = '';

            // Get the permissions for this forum
            $permissions = $forumpermissions[$forum['fid']];

            // If this user doesnt have permission to view this forum and we're hiding private forums, skip this forum
            if($permissions['canview'] != 1 && $mybb->settings['hideprivateforums'] == 1)
            $forum = $plugins->run_hooks("build_forumbits_forum", $forum);

            // Build the link to this forum
            $forum_url = get_forum_link($forum['fid']);

            // This forum has a password, and the user isn't authenticated with it - hide post information
            $hideinfo = false;
            $hidelastpostinfo = false;
            $showlockicon = 0;
            if($permissions['canviewthreads'] != 1)
                $hideinfo = true;
            if($permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
                $hideinfo = true;

                // If we only see our own threads, find out if there's a new post in one of them so the lightbulb shows
                    $private_forums = $fids = array();
                    foreach($fcache[$pid] as $parent_p)
                        foreach($parent_p as $forum_p)
                                $fids[] = $forum_p['fid'];

                        $fids = implode(',', $fids);
                        $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid, fid, lastpost", "uid = '{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND fid IN ({$fids})", array("order_by" => "lastpost", "order_dir" => "desc"));

                        while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
                                $private_forums[$thread['fid']] = $thread;

                    $forum['lastpost'] = $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['lastpost'];
                    $lastpost_data = array(
                        "lastpost" => $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['lastpost']
                $lastpost_data = array(
                    "lastpost" => $forum['lastpost'],
                    "lastpostsubject" => $forum['lastpostsubject'],
                    "lastposter" => $forum['lastposter'],
                    "lastposttid" => $forum['lastposttid'],
                    "lastposteruid" => $forum['lastposteruid']

            if($forum['password'] != '' && $mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']] != md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password']))
                $hideinfo = true;
                $showlockicon = 1;

            // Fetch subforums of this forum
                $forum_info = build_forumbits($forum['fid'], $depth+1);

                // Increment forum counters with counters from child forums
                $forum['threads'] += $forum_info['counters']['threads'];
                $forum['posts'] += $forum_info['counters']['posts'];
                $forum['unapprovedthreads'] += $forum_info['counters']['unapprovedthreads'];
                $forum['unapprovedposts'] += $forum_info['counters']['unapprovedposts'];
                $forum['viewers'] += $forum_info['counters']['viewing'];

                // If the child forums' lastpost is greater than the one for this forum, set it as the child forums greatest.
                if($forum_info['lastpost']['lastpost'] > $lastpost_data['lastpost'])
                    $lastpost_data = $forum_info['lastpost'];
                    // If our subforum is unread, then so must be our parents. Force our parents to unread as well
                    if(strstr($forum_info['lightbulb']['folder'], "on") !== false)
                        $forum['lastread'] = 0;
                    // Otherwise, if we  have an explicit record in the db, we must make sure that it is explicitly set
                        $lastpost_data['lastpost'] = $forum['lastpost'];

                $sub_forums = $forum_info['forum_list'];

            // If we are hiding information (lastpost) because we aren't authenticated against the password for this forum, remove them
            if($hidelastpostinfo == true)
            // If the current forums lastpost is greater than other child forums of the current parent, overwrite it
            if($lastpost_data['lastpost'] > $parent_lastpost['lastpost'])
                $parent_lastpost = $lastpost_data;

            if(is_array($forum_viewers) && $forum_viewers[$forum['fid']] > 0)
                $forum['viewers'] = $forum_viewers[$forum['fid']];

            // Increment the counters for the parent forum (returned later)
            if($hideinfo != true)
                $parent_counters['threads'] += $forum['threads'];
                $parent_counters['posts'] += $forum['posts'];
                $parent_counters['unapprovedposts'] += $forum['unapprovedposts'];
                $parent_counters['unapprovedthreads'] += $forum['unapprovedthreads'];
                $parent_counters['viewers'] += $forum['viewers'];

            // Done with our math, lets talk about displaying - only display forums which are under a certain depth
            if($depth > $showdepth)
            // Get the lightbulb status indicator for this forum based on the lastpost
            $lightbulb = get_forum_lightbulb($forum, $lastpost_data, $showlockicon);

            // Fetch the number of unapproved threads and posts for this forum
            $unapproved = get_forum_unapproved($forum);
            if($hideinfo == true)

            // Sanitize name and description of forum.
            $forum['name'] = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&amp;", $forum['name']); // Fix & but allow unicode
            $forum['description'] = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&amp;", $forum['description']); // Fix & but allow unicode
            $forum['name'] = preg_replace("#&([^\#])(?![a-z1-4]{1,10};)#i", "&$1", $forum['name']);
            $forum['description'] = preg_replace("#&([^\#])(?![a-z1-4]{1,10};)#i", "&$1", $forum['description']);

            // If this is a forum and we've got subforums of it, load the subforums list template
            if($depth == 2 && $sub_forums)
                eval("\$subforums = \"".$templates->get("forumbit_subforums")."\";");
            // A depth of three indicates a comma separated list of forums within a forum
            else if($depth == 3)
                if($donecount < $mybb->settings['subforumsindex'])
                    $statusicon = '';

                    // Showing mini status icons for this forum
                    if($mybb->settings['subforumsstatusicons'] == 1)
                        $lightbulb['folder'] = "mini".$lightbulb['folder'];
                        eval("\$statusicon = \"".$templates->get("forumbit_depth3_statusicon", 1, 0)."\";");

                    // Fetch the template and append it to the list
                    eval("\$forum_list .= \"".$templates->get("forumbit_depth3", 1, 0)."\";");
                    $comma = $lang->comma;

                // Have we reached our max visible subforums? put a nice message and break out of the loop
                if($donecount == $mybb->settings['subforumsindex'])
                    if(subforums_count($fcache[$pid]) > $donecount)
                        $forum_list .= $comma.$lang->sprintf($lang->more_subforums, (subforums_count($fcache[$pid]) - $donecount));

            // Forum is a category, set template type
            if($forum['type'] == 'c')
                $forumcat = '_cat';
            // Forum is a standard forum, set template type
                $forumcat = '_forum';

            if($forum['linkto'] == '')
                // No posts have been made in this forum - show never text
                if(($lastpost_data['lastpost'] == 0 || $lastpost_data['lastposter'] == '') && $hideinfo != true)
                    $lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">{$lang->lastpost_never}</div>";
                elseif($hideinfo != true)
                    // Format lastpost date and time
                    $lastpost_date = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $lastpost_data['lastpost']);
                    $lastpost_time = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $lastpost_data['lastpost']);

                    // Set up the last poster, last post thread id, last post subject and format appropriately
                    $lastpost_profilelink = build_profile_link($lastpost_data['lastposter'], $lastpost_data['lastposteruid']);
                    $lastpost_link = get_thread_link($lastpost_data['lastposttid'], 0, "lastpost");
                    $lastpost_subject = $full_lastpost_subject = $parser->parse_badwords($lastpost_data['lastpostsubject']);
                    if(my_strlen($lastpost_subject) > 25)
                        $lastpost_subject = my_substr($lastpost_subject, 0, 25)."...";
                    $lastpost_subject = htmlspecialchars_uni($lastpost_subject);
                    $full_lastpost_subject = htmlspecialchars_uni($full_lastpost_subject);
                    // Call lastpost template
                    if($depth != 1)
                        eval("\$lastpost = \"".$templates->get("forumbit_depth{$depth}_forum_lastpost")."\";");

                if($mybb->settings['showforumviewing'] != 0 && $forum['viewers'] > 0)
                    if($forum['viewers'] == 1)
                        $forum_viewers_text = $lang->viewing_one;
                        $forum_viewers_text = $lang->sprintf($lang->viewing_multiple, $forum['viewers']);
                    $forum_viewers_text_plain = $forum_viewers_text;
                    $forum_viewers_text = "<span class=\"smalltext\">{$forum_viewers_text}</span>";
            // If this forum is a link or is password protected and the user isn't authenticated, set lastpost and counters to "-"
            if($forum['linkto'] != '' || $hideinfo == true)
                $lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">-</div>";
                $posts = "-";
                $threads = "-";
            // Otherwise, format thread and post counts
                // If we're only hiding the last post information
                if($hidelastpostinfo == true)
                    $lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">-</div>";
                $posts = my_number_format($forum['posts']);
                $threads = my_number_format($forum['threads']);

            // Moderator column is not off
            if($mybb->settings['modlist'] != 0)
                $done_moderators = array(
                    "users" => array(),
                    "groups" => array()
                $moderators = '';
                // Fetch list of moderators from this forum and its parents
                $parentlistexploded = explode(',', $forum['parentlist']);
                foreach($parentlistexploded as $mfid)
                    // This forum has moderators
                        // Fetch each moderator from the cache and format it, appending it to the list
                        foreach($moderatorcache[$mfid] as $modtype)
                            foreach($modtype as $moderator)
                                    if(in_array($moderator['id'], $done_moderators['groups']))
                                    $moderators .= $comma.htmlspecialchars_uni($moderator['title']);
                                    $done_moderators['groups'][] = $moderator['id'];
                                    if(in_array($moderator['id'], $done_moderators['users']))
                                    $moderators .= "{$comma}<a href=\"".get_profile_link($moderator['id'])."\">".htmlspecialchars_uni($moderator['username'])."</a>";
                                    $done_moderators['users'][] = $moderator['id'];
                                $comma = $lang->comma;
                $comma = '';

                // If we have a moderators list, load the template
                    eval("\$modlist = \"".$templates->get("forumbit_moderators")."\";");
                    $modlist = '';

            // Descriptions aren't being shown - blank them
            if($mybb->settings['showdescriptions'] == 0)
                $forum['description'] = '';

            // Check if this category is either expanded or collapsed and hide it as necessary.
            $expdisplay = '';
            $collapsed_name = "cat_{$forum['fid']}_c";
            if(isset($collapsed[$collapsed_name]) && $collapsed[$collapsed_name] == "display: show;")
                $expcolimage = "collapse_collapsed.gif";
                $expdisplay = "display: none;";
                $expaltext = "[+]";
                $expcolimage = "collapse.gif";
                $expaltext = "[-]";

            // Swap over the alternate backgrounds
            $bgcolor = alt_trow();

            // Add the forum to the list
            eval("\$forum_list .= \"".$templates->get("forumbit_depth$depth$forumcat")."\";");

    // Return an array of information to the parent forum including child forums list, counters and lastpost information
    return array(
        "forum_list" => $forum_list,
        "counters" => $parent_counters,
        "lastpost" => $parent_lastpost,
        "lightbulb" => $lightbulb,

* Fetch the status indicator for a forum based on its last post and the read date
* @param array Array of information about the forum
* @param array Array of information about the lastpost date
* @return array Array of the folder image to be shown and the alt text
function get_forum_lightbulb($forum, $lastpost, $locked=0)
    global $mybb, $lang, $db, $unread_forums;

    // This forum is closed, so override the folder icon with the "offlock" icon.
    if($forum['open'] == 0 || $locked)
        $folder = $forum['fid'];
        $altonoff = $lang->forum_locked;
        // Fetch the last read date for this forum
            $forum_read = $forum['lastread'];
            // We've hit the read all forums as a guest, so use the lastvisit of the user
            $forum_read = $mybb->cookies['mybb']['lastvisit'];
            $forum_read = 0;
            $threadcut = TIME_NOW - 60*60*24*$mybb->settings['threadreadcut'];

            // If the user is a guest, do they have a forumsread cookie?
            if(!$mybb->user['uid'] && $mybb->cookies['mybb']['forumread'])
                // If they've visited us before, then they'll have this cookie - otherwise everything is unread...
                $forum_read = my_get_array_cookie("forumread", $forum['fid']);
            else if($mybb->user['uid'] && $mybb->settings['threadreadcut'] > 0 && $threadcut > $lastpost['lastpost'])
                // We have a user, the forum's unread and we're over our threadreadcut limit for the lastpost - we mark these as read
                $forum_read = $lastpost['lastpost'] + 1;

            //$forum_read = $mybb->user['lastvisit'];
        // If the lastpost is greater than the last visit and is greater than the forum read date, we have a new post
        if($lastpost['lastpost'] > $forum_read && $lastpost['lastpost'] != 0)
            $folder = $forum['fid'];
            $altonoff = $lang->new_posts;
        // Otherwise, no new posts
            $folder = $forum['fid'];
            $altonoff = $lang->no_new_posts;

    return array(
        "folder" => $folder,
        "altonoff" => $altonoff

* Fetch the number of unapproved posts, formatted, from a forum
* @param array Array of information about the forum
* @return array Array containing formatted string for posts and string for threads
function get_forum_unapproved($forum)
    global $lang;

    $unapproved_threads = $unapproved_posts = '';

    // If the user is a moderator we need to fetch the count
        // Forum has one or more unaproved posts, format language string accordingly
            if($forum['unapprovedposts'] > 1)
                $unapproved_posts_count = $lang->sprintf($lang->forum_unapproved_posts_count, $forum['unapprovedposts']);
                $unapproved_posts_count = $lang->sprintf($lang->forum_unapproved_post_count, 1);
            $unapproved_posts = " <span title=\"{$unapproved_posts_count}\">(".my_number_format($forum['unapprovedposts']).")</span>";
        // Forum has one or more unapproved threads, format language string accordingly
            if($forum['unapprovedthreads'] > 1)
                $unapproved_threads_count = $lang->sprintf($lang->forum_unapproved_threads_count, $forum['unapprovedthreads']);
                $unapproved_threads_count = $lang->sprintf($lang->forum_unapproved_thread_count, 1);
            $unapproved_threads = " <span title=\"{$unapproved_threads_count}\">(".my_number_format($forum['unapprovedthreads']).")</span>";
    return array(
        "unapproved_posts" => $unapproved_posts,
        "unapproved_threads" => $unapproved_threads