19.12.2011, 09:31
SMF 1.1.11
MyBB 1.65:
Problem z importem "Posts":
Wszystko ładnie poszło, aż do importu wątków.
1,000 posts are importing right now. There are 27,146 posts left to import and 28 pages left.
Loading data from database...
CRASH: PHP segmentation violation in preg_match() called at [/convert/resources/functions.php:881], in check_encoding() called at [/convert/resources/functions.php:441], in encode_to_utf8() called at [/convert/boards/smf/posts.php:71], in SMF_Converter_Module_Posts::convert_data() called at [/convert/resources/modules/posts.php:52], in Converter_Module_Posts::insert() called at [/convert/boards/smf/posts.php:36], in SMF_Converter_Module_Posts::import() called at [/convert/index.php:1072]
nie mam pojęcia dlaczego.
MyBB 1.65:
Problem z importem "Posts":
Wszystko ładnie poszło, aż do importu wątków.
1,000 posts are importing right now. There are 27,146 posts left to import and 28 pages left.
Loading data from database...
CRASH: PHP segmentation violation in preg_match() called at [/convert/resources/functions.php:881], in check_encoding() called at [/convert/resources/functions.php:441], in encode_to_utf8() called at [/convert/boards/smf/posts.php:71], in SMF_Converter_Module_Posts::convert_data() called at [/convert/resources/modules/posts.php:52], in Converter_Module_Posts::insert() called at [/convert/boards/smf/posts.php:36], in SMF_Converter_Module_Posts::import() called at [/convert/index.php:1072]
nie mam pojęcia dlaczego.