
Pełna wersja: Footer - ustawienie własnego obrazka
Aktualnie przeglądasz uproszczoną wersję forum. Kliknij tutaj, by zobaczyć wersję z pełnym formatowaniem.
wersja skryptu MyBB: 1.6.1
adres forum: www.cs-rcl.pl
na czym polega problem (screen, opis, komunikaty, nazwa stylu/theme/szablonu): Ustawienie własnego obrazka stopki.

Mam pytanie, chciałbym ustawić własny obrazek stopki, lecz nie wiem jakie powinien mieć wymiary (chodzi o szerokość, wysokość dopasuje sobie sam). Szukałem także w Edycja szablonu: footer jakiegoś kodu, w którym byłby jakikolwiek odnośnik do obrazka stopki, lecz go nie znalazłem. Używam stylu Apart 1. Poniżej zmieszczam pełny kod mojego footer'a.

<div id="debug"><debugstuff></div>
<div id="footer">
    <div class="upper">
        <div class="wrapper">
            <ul class="menu bottom_links">
                <li><a href="{$mybb->settings['contactlink']}">{$lang->bottomlinks_contactus}</a></li>
                <li><a href="{$mybb->settings['homeurl']}">{$mybb->settings['homename']}</a></li>
                <li><a href="#top">{$lang->bottomlinks_returntop}</a></li>
                <li><a href="<archive_url>">{$lang->bottomlinks_litemode}</a></li>
                <li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=syndication">{$lang->bottomlinks_syndication}</a></li>
                <li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=help" class="help">{$lang->toplinks_help}</a></li>
    <div class="lower">
        <div class="wrapper">
            <span id="current_time">{$lang->welcome_current_time}</span>
            <span id="copyright">
                <!-- MyBB is free software developed and maintained by a volunteer community.
                    It would be much appreciated by the MyBB Group if you left the full copyright and "powered by" notice intact,
                    to show your support for MyBB.  If you choose to remove or modify the copyright below,
                    you may be refused support on the MyBB Community Forums.
                    This is free software, support us and we'll support you. -->
                {$lang->powered_by} <a href="http://www.mybboard.net" target="_blank">MyBB{$mybbversion}</a>, &copy; 2002-{$copy_year} <a href="http://www.mybboard.net" target="_blank">MyBB Group</a>.
                <!-- End powered by -->
            <span id="theme">
                <!-- Apart is a series of twelve simple, beautiful themes released completely free of charge.
                    You love Apart - that's why you're using it - so why prevent others from finding Apart
                    by removing this short, simple created by statement? If you make changes to this theme,
                    feel free to modify the created by statement, as long as the originial credit remains
                    intact. Furthermore, if you remove or unjustly modify this simple statement, you will
                    be refused support for the theme.
                    Thanks for your consideration, and best of luck with your forum.
                    - Justin S., bellomandesign.com
                Theme created by <a href="http://bellomandesign.com/" target="_blank">Justin S.</a>
                <!-- End theme created by statement -->
<!-- The following piece of code allows MyBB to run scheduled tasks. DO NOT REMOVE -->{$task_image}<!-- End task image code -->

Poszukaj w ACP - Style i Szablony - wybierasz swój styl - potem Global.css i szukasz #copyright

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